We are an organization created to provide Georgia plumbers with educational opportunities that will enhance their careers and increase their knowledge of the State Plumbing Codes, ethics, and the business portion of the plumbing industry. Our wide variety of classes, both on-line and in person, satisfy all State requirements for Continuing Education. Our highly successful Preparatory classes give plumbing professionals a far better opportunity to pass the State Licensing Exams.

Ron Anderson is President of the Georgia Plumbers’ Trade Association, Inc. which is an association with over 2600 members throughout Georgia. The membership is comprised of Plumbers, Conditioned Air Contractors, Builders and Inspectors.
Ron holds numerous certifications from the International Code Council (ICC). He has served as past Chairman of the ICC Governing Committee for Plumbing, Mechanical and Fuel Gas Codes (PMG). He also served on the ICC Codes and Standards Committee as an advisor to the ICC Board of Directors.
His involvement with the Georgia Department of Community Affairs (DCA) spans 20+ years. He has served on many committees actively involved in the adoption and revision of the Plumbing, Building, Energy, and other construction codes.
Ron holds a Master Class II Unrestricted Plumbing License with the State of Georgia.
He served for nine years as the Director of the Codes Training Program for the University of Georgia. This program prepared both Inspectors and contractors to take ICC certification exams. He worked with Clayton State University to develop educational materials and exams for their program.
He is the Chairman of the Educational Committee of the Georgia State Inspectors Association (GSIA).
He has served on numerous committees with the Building Officials’ Association of Georgia (BOAG). He was awarded Building Official of the Year in 2012 by the BOAG membership. In May of 2022 the BOAG organization awarded Ron the Hal Cosper Lifetime Achievement Award for outstanding service and accomplishments to the BOAG organization, the community, and for outstanding accomplishments in his professional field.
Ron has 50 years of experience in the Construction Industry and sets the Gold Standard in his Continuing Education and Preparatory classes for Trades Specialist and Plumbing professionals.

Charlene Anderson is the Office Manager for Georgia Plumbers’ Trade Association (GPTA). Her background is with the Georgia Department of Defense (DOD) and includes administrative skills, experience in Protocol and Diplomacy and finding Jobs for the Military.
She was the Administrative Assistant to the Adjutant General of Georgia for many years and brings a myriad of experience to GPTA’s operations and administration.